Pg.pm におけるクエリー
    my $strsql = <<EOT;
SELECT naiyou
 FROM mytb
 WHERE mailaddr='$mm_mail'
    my $result = $conn->exec($strsql);
    if (PGRES_TUPLES_OK == $result->resultStatus) {
        $rows = $result->ntuples;
        if($rows >0){
        my $naiyou=$result->getvalue(0,0);
$result_status = $result->resultStatus

Returns the status of the result. For comparing the status you 
may use one of the following constants depending upon the 
command executed:


Use the functions below to access the contents of the PGresult structure.

$ntuples = $result->ntuples

Returns the number of tuples in the query result.

$nfields = $result->nfields

Returns the number of fields in the query result.

$ret = $result->binaryTuples

Returns 1 if the tuples in the query result are bianry.

$fname = $result->fname($field_num)

Returns the field name associated with the given field number.

$fnumber = $result->fnumber($field_name)

Returns the field number associated with the given field name.

$ftype = $result->ftype($field_num)

Returns the oid of the type of the given field number.

$fsize = $result->fsize($field_num)

Returns the size in bytes of the type of the given field number.
It returns -1 if the field has a variable length.

$fmod = $result->fmod($field_num)

Returns the type-specific modification data of the field associated
with the given field index. Field indices start at 0.

$cmdStatus = $result->cmdStatus

Returns the command status of the last query command.
In case of DELETE it returns also the number of deleted tuples.
In case of INSERT it returns also the OID of the inserted
tuple followed by 1 (the number of affected tuples).

$oid = $result->oidStatus

In case the last query was an INSERT command it returns the oid of the
inserted tuple.

$oid = $result->cmdTuples

In case the last query was an INSERT or DELETE command it returns the
number of affected tuples. 

$value = $result->getvalue($tup_num, $field_num)

Returns the value of the given tuple and field. This is
a null-terminated ASCII string. Binary cursors will not

$length = $result->getlength($tup_num, $field_num)

Returns the length of the value for a given tuple and field.

$null_status = $result->getisnull($tup_num, $field_num)

Returns the NULL status for a given tuple and field.
トップページ ソフト開発塾 前のページへ戻る
